- Agricultural Economics Research Association (India) has instituted various categories of Awards for recognizing the meritorious and distinguished agricultural economists. One of these is the Young Agricultural Economist Award (YAE Award).
- The primary objective of this Award is to recognize and encourage relatively young agricultural economists of promise and creativity demonstrated through their contributions to agricultural economics research, education and policy studies.
- The Award will consist of a citation and prize money of Rs 25000 (twenty-five thousand). There shall be one Award for each calendar year. However, the President of AERA, at his discretion, may not declare the Award in some years.
- Eligibility: The following will be eligible for the Award:
- He/she should be a citizen or national of India, Nepal or Bhutan.
- He/she should be below the age of 40 years on 1st January of the year of Award.
- He/she should be either (a) a life member or (b) an annual member, of AERA for at least two years prior to 1st January of the Year of Award. Further, those fulfilling condition (b) should have been enrolled as life member of AERA on 1st March of Year of Award.
- He/she should hold a Master’s degree in Agricultural Economics (including dairy economics, fisheries economics and veterinary economics with specialization in agriculture) or Economics, followed by a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics or Economics from any Indian university incorporated by an Act of Parliament or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed university by UGC or from a foreign university recognized as equivalent to above by the Government of India.
- He/she should have worked or served in India for at least three years as on 1st January of the year of Award in the field of agriculture.
- He/she should be the main (first) author in at least two publications listed in Part B2, B3 and B4 of the Nomination Form.
- Nominations for Award: There shall be no direct application for the award.
- Each year, the nominations, in the prescribed format, will be invited, through a notification on the AERA website ( or other methods deemed fit, usually during the month of January of the year of Award. For example, for 2018 Award, the notification will be issued in the month of January 2018. It could be even a month or two earlier.
- The last date for receipt of nominations in AERA office will be announced on the website. The nomination should be duly signed by the nominator/proposer as well as by the nominee at all the places provided in the format. Having signed by both, it could be submitted (by either the candidate or nominator/proposer) addressed to the Secretary AERA. The soft copy of the following should be attached with the Nomination Form: (i) documents as proof of each eligibility criterion; (ii) reprints of 10 best research papers (listed in B-2) and other publications (listed in B-5); (c) copies of books (listed in B-3) and Research Reports (listed in B-4); and (d) documentary proof of Awards, Honours and Recognitions (listed in B-6 & 7).
- The authorized nominator/proposer for this purpose could be any one of the following: (i) Past President of AERA; (ii) Past Conference President of AERA; and (iii) NAAS Fellow (Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences-India) in the discipline of agricultural economics of social science section.
- Selection/Evaluation Criteria and Procedure
- The criteria for selection will be academic excellence based on scientific contributions as reflected by publications, outputs, outcomes, processes and impact in the areas of agricultural economics research, teaching, policy analysis, innovations and extension education.
- For each year, a selection committee, consisting of the following, will evaluate the nominations and recommend one or two names (in order of merit) to the President of AERA: (i) One of the past Presidents or conference Presidents of AERA (chair); (ii) Secretary of AERA; (iii) Chief Editor of AERR/AERA, and (iv) one or two life members of AERA to be nominated by the President.
- The allocation of marks for different criteria will be as follows:
Criterion | Maximum Marks |
Publications | 60 |
Awards and Honours | 20 |
Recognitions | 10 |
Others including Education and Extension | 10 |
- The break-up of 60 marks for publications will be as follows:
- 10 Best Research Papers: Maximum 30 marks. Papers published in Agricultural Economics Research Review (AERR), Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics (IJAE) and Economic and Political Weekly shall receive 3 marks and that in other journals shall receive proportionately more or less marks as per the latest NAAS score of the Journal. In case of multiple authors of the paper, first two authors will get full marks and subsequent authors will get half the marks.
- Books and/or Research Reports: Maximum 20 marks. Each may score a maximum of 4 marks. Edited books will get a maximum of 2 marks. The first and second authors will get full marks and subsequent authors will get half the marks. Externally funded project reports will get higher marks than institutional project reports.
- Other publications: For details see Nomination Form-B. Maximum 10 marks. To be evaluated by selection committee.
- Maximum marks for ‘Awards and Honours’ is 20 marks. International and national awards of high repute will get 4 marks each and fellowship of national academies will also get 4 marks. Awards by national institutes will fetch 2 marks. Young Scientist award or associates will also fetch 2 marks each.
- Maximum marks for ‘Recognitions’ is 10 marks. This will include national level recognitions (not covered above) by professional societies/ associations and may include fellowships, lifetime achievement award, President, Chief Editor or Secretary level positions which shall carry one mark each.
- The name of the recipient of Award shall be normally declared in the month of July/August. The selected person shall be informed, and the Award shall be conferred during the ensuing annual conference of AERA.
Note: The objective of laying down these guidelines is to impart objectivity and transparency in selection of young agricultural economist for the award. As we gain experience, a comprehensive review of these will be undertaken from time to time to further improve these.
Click here to download AERA Fellowship - Nomination Form