Uma Lele AERA India / AAEA Mentorship Program
The AERA (Agricultural Economics Research Association (India) along with one representative from AAEA (Agricultural and Applied Economic Association (USA) play a facilitating role in the selection of Indian students/young professionals to participate in the mentorship program. The application will be reviewed by a selection committee constituted by AERA and the recommendation of the Association shall be sent to AAEA for Award of the grant. The following is the criteria for screening and recommendation of the candidate(s).
- The program shall be open to doctoral and post-doctoral candidates who have just completed doctoral degree or likely to complete the same within a year.
- The candidate should have Masters/PhD degree in agricultural economics/economics with evident contribution to agricultural economics research.
- The candidate should have outstanding academic record and age should not be more than 35 years as on 1st January of the year of award.
- The candidate should give an undertaking to publish at least one research article in a journal of national/international repute as an outcome of the mentorship work.
- The candidate will attend the AAEA Annual Meeting.
- The candidate will work with an AAEA Member mentor.
To apply, scholars should submit the following:
- Cover letter outlining proposed plan for mentorship, including contact information of the mentor, proposed dates and nature of the research project and collaboration, and outputs expected
- Recent CV
- Research proposal outlining the research project that the applicant will work on with his or her mentor (maximum 3 single-spaced pages). The research proposal should include methodologies on modelling work and can be built around the themes of Food and nutritional security; Environmental sustainability and agricultural development policy or any other current important topic related to Indian agriculture.
- Letter of recommendation from the applicant’s department head/supervisor stating that the institution supports the applicant’s participation
- Letter of intent to collaborate from the proposed mentor
- Budget
Applications should be submitted in a single PDF format to Secretary AERA at with the subject line titled “Uma Lele AERA India/AAEA Mentorship Program Application, 2024” by July 31, 2024.